A befriending project for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people.

David Mason, two JUMP befrienders and a JUMP young person stand together in front of tree branches at JUMP's summer picnic.
JUMP young people, volunteers and HIAS+JCORE stand smiling at a kitchen table. They are holding a loaf of bread which they have cooked together.
A large group of JUMP participants are standing and sitting together smiling, in the lobby of the theatre.

What is JUMP?

JUMP is HIAS+JCORE’s UnaccompaniedMinors Project. 

We give young unaccompanied asylum seekers and refugees a safe space to gain the skills and confidence they need to settle and build their new lives in the UK. 

JUMP has three main pillars: 

  • Befriending We facilitate fortnightly one-to-one befriending between young people and trained adult volunteers 
  • Community We bring pairs together for quarterly group events – with activities chosen by JUMP’s participants 
  • Casework and advocacy Our project staff help our young people access education; and legal, housing and medical support. We also run a dedicated Hardship Fund.

A JUMP befriender and young person at our London Zoo trip

A JUMP befriending pair at our 2023 trip to London Zoo

What is befriending?

JUMP matches up unaccompanied asylum seekers and refugees with a trained and committed adult volunteer befriender.  

Befrienders offer a regular, stable and structured friendship plus support in navigating through life in the UK. 

JUMP pairs meet once every 2 weeks, for at least year. 

What JUMP pairs do depends on both people’s interests. Some pairs meet regularly for a coffee and chat. Others might work together on practical issues such as registering with the GP.

JUMP young people and befrienders at our 2023 summer picnic

Befrienders and young people at our 2023 summer picnic

Your journey on JUMP

What might your journey through JUMP look like?

A flow chart showing the journey and process of our JUMP project.

Becoming part of the JUMP community

When you join  JUMP, you become part of the JUMP community​. 

We invite befrienders and young people to JUMP activities and trips every two months. Previously we’ve run picnics, supper clubs, baking lessons and an annual beach trip!

Casework and advocacy

Our project staff help young people on JUMP overcome barriers and get access to additional support.  

JUMP also runs a Hardship Fund, providing emergency grants to our project participants.

How do we safeguard young people?

We have procedures in place to make sure JUMP’s young people are safe.  

After applying, every befriender goes through an interview, and must send us two professional references and undertake an enhanced DBS check. They then receive full training and have ongoing supervisions with us. 

All befriending meetings take place in the daytime and in public places. 

Once all checks and references have been carried out, and the befriender is trained, the JUMP Project Lead arranges an initial meeting in a public place with:​ 

  • The JUMP Project Lead ​ 
  • The Young Person ​ 
  • The Befriender​ 
  • The Young Person’s Social Worker/ Key Worker (if relevant)​
Download our safeguarding policy

Get involved

Interested in volunteering as a JUMP befriender? Click here to sign up

Do you want to refer a young person to JUMP? Click here to complete our referral form

(Please note that we are closed for referrals and for new befriender applications until 29th July 2024.)

Please note our referral criteria below.

We accept referrals for asylum-seeking or refugee young people​ who are:

  • Aged between 16-25 years old (referrals are usually no older than 22)​
  • Living in London, either unaccompanied or separated from their parents or usual carers

However, at JUMP, we recognise life does not fall neatly into administrative boxes. ​We will consider referrals that don’t quite meet our criteria on a case-by-case basis, while bearing in mind our resources.

Contact us for more information