Rebecca Ebner-Landy

Rebecca Ebner-Landy

JUMP Project Lead


Rebecca joined HIAS+JCORE as the Unaccompanied Minors Project Lead in July 2023, having recently graduated from the University of Oxford with an MSc in Refugee and Forced Migration Studies. Previously she has worked in positions across the refugee sector: as an Outreach Office and Regional Manager at SolidariTee, as a Youth Leader at Our Second Home, and has volunteered in refugee camps across northern France with Utopia56. She has also worked at the Mediapila Foundation in Buenos Aires helping displaced and migrant women access employment. She comes to HIAS+JCORE with her own family background of intergenerational refugeehood, where her grandpa was a refugee from Nazi-occupied Austria. She is excited to engage Jewish communities in refugee-related work, and hopes to build from work she did during the COVID pandemic with UK Orthodox Jewish Communities on how they can engage in anti-racist action.